Deweybarn is on the market again. We had a showing this morning with a couple who would be a great match for the barn. We are selling without a realtor so we did the showing ourselves. After touring inside Dave took them out to the loft while I stayed in with the kids. I stepped out for a minute to fill the bird feeders and heard a crash. I looked in the window to see the water cooler and a full five-gallon jug broken on the floor. Five gallons of water flowing through the kitchen past the breakfast bar and down through the floor into the basement. I ran down and yanked a towel out of the dryer but realized it was useless. They were coming down the stairs as I closed the door behind me. "I need to explain what is behind this door before you go in." Despite the water cooler incident, the showing went pretty well.
Last weekend our friend Ben took some great barn photos that are posted on his website. The pictures are untouched and show our baskets of laundry waiting to be put away, junk in the barn and Sam playing in a yard strewn with toys. Real life is pretty wonderful.