This morning I caught the last hour of an HBO documentary called "Autism:The Musical". The movie documents a group of autistic children as they write, rehearse and perform their own musical. The documentary includes interviews with parents. Watching it shook me up.
She's three now. People notice there is something different about her, but she's so little it isn't awkward yet. How will it be when she's fourteen? I'm also scared about her being vulnerable when she becomes independent. Predators choose easy victims.
Alongside my fears, I received awareness. She'll be four in 11 days. Inside her is a developing four-year-old brain. I believe she receives information like a four-year-old. She wants things a four-year-old wants. Tonight we went to a family dance at her school. She watched as everyone played a Simon Says type of game. I explained the rules to her and told her she could play if she wanted to. My heart swelled when she did.