All set for a fun evening of trick-or-treating. The rain had stopped and if good weather continued, we'd go see the locally renowned pumpkin glow. Our first stop was our baby sitter's neighborhood. Stepping out of the van onto wet grass I slipped, fell, did a split into a drainage ditch and landed face-down in mud. I'd heard a pop and started dry heaving-scary! Even more horrifying, the ambulance crew raised my muddy pant leg to reveal Sasquatch-length hair on my legs. I freaked and vowed to shave every day from then on. On the way to the hospital, the crew chief tried removing my wet shoes and socks for me. It's been too long since my last pedicure so I swatted him away. Thankfully a family friend was just leaving her shift in the emergency room so she was able to help me with the wet shoe dilemma.
At the hospital, the ambulance crew rolled me past a group of hospital security officers. I thought I recognized one of them and said, "Hey Cupcake!" They all stared at the crazy mud-covered woman on the stretcher. Apparently, our friend Rick doesn't work there anymore.
After x-rays it was determined there were no broken bones. Whew! It still hurts when I move the wrong way and I either scream or take deep breaths. Thankfully my spouse has been home to run the show while I convalesce. I am also thankful that the family whose daughter baby sits Sam and Mae took them trick-or-treating while I was being examined at the hospital. I'd have hated for no one to see them in their super-cute costumes that mama made!
WTF?!?! If it was almost 9pm I'D CALL YOU RIGHT NOW. I can't believe all that happened to you...I'll give you a ring tomorrow...
hey sasquatch: omg - I really hope you're okay, but it was hard to sympathize while laughing so hard. Cupcake???? that sounds like something I would do!!
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