During our five nights at Disneyworld we experienced magical moments to treasure forever. It was especially magical to share the experience with our young children. We are fortunate Disney recognizes autism as a condition that qualifies to receive a Guest Assistance Card. We were able to use secondary entrances, access special seating for shows and were shuffled to the front of the line for character greetings.
The Deweychildren did present some challenges. The most interesting was an altercation on a packed Disney Transportation Bus on the way back to our resort from Hollywood Studios. It was the first time I entered a bus with Mae in my arms and no one offered us a seat. Instantly, Mae threw a fit and lunged for a lap and kicked Sam in the process. Sam grabbed her leg, pulled it and scolded her for kicking him. Mae moved into full meltdown mode. I held her close and sang to her. My plan was to shut out stimulation overload and have her focus on my voice. I heard the woman next to me say, "Guys, settle down. There are children on the bus." I thought, "Oh, it'll be ok. Dave is up there, he has experience diffusing hot situations." When I looked up I saw Dave was part of the hot situation.
When Mae started melting down some punk said, "Someone better shut that kid up before I beat her."
"What did you say?"
"Someone better shut that kid up before I beat her."
"Are you threatening to beat my four-year-old autistic daughter?"
"Sorry man! I didn't know, I'm really sorry."
Shuttle bus altercation aside, I'm glad you had a fabulous vacation!
r u kidding me. what an a-hole who said that. apparently he did not have children of his own. i always say there are two kinds of people int he world. those who have children and those who don't. and those who don't will NEVER understand. Mae should have screamed louder!
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