Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer on Chapin Road

Over the years we have had several hot air balloons drift or land nearby. Two nights ago a balloon landed in our neighbor's yard. It was Sam's second opportunity to assist a landing crew pack up their balloon. There is a tradition where the balloon team offers a cold bottle of champagne to the family who resides where they land. Lucky for me, our neighbor chose to pass that bottle on to us!
Tuesday evening when we followed the balloon home, we passed three people riding horses down Chapin Road. I commented, "This is a great road for walking, running and riding...until you get to the red barn with the barking dogs." This afternoon I got home from the store and found Jack and Charky in the mudroom. They were inside the house when we left. In the living room one of our screens had been broken through and there was a new message on the answering machine. Our neighbor saw them running down the road with a jogger who flagged her down, "Are these your dogs?" "Nope, but I know where they live." Once again, great road for recreation until you pass the red barn with the barking dogs.

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