Friday, November 16, 2007

First Day of Snow

The serenity of this photo does not reflect the calamity of the moment. I loved hearing my son's first words of the day, "Hey! It's snowing outside!". He spoke with such sincere wonder. When he wanted to play in the snow I was delighted to oblige. It takes forever to bundle all of us up, so I got Sam ready and told him he could play outside (with strict parameters) while Mae and I got dressed. I should have realized Mae needed a practice run. Putting on her winter boots really ticked her off. Mae's gorgeous gold lemay coat is difficult as the lining turns inside out to block her hands from getting through the sleeves. Finally, we were ready with camera. Just then, Sam came in wondering where we were. "Hey Buddy! We're ready, let's go!". He lingered long enough by the door for Jack to express interest in flight. I quickly tried closing the opening to prevent escape. In doing so I whacked Sam's forehead with the door. Here we are, first snow of the season. Mae is screaming. Sam has a fresh whack on his head and is crying. I am ready to pretend this never happened and give up. Once again as my Grammy says, "I hate to tell you Pam, but that's life".


Anna said...

Hardly seems worth the effort, huh? You guys got A LOT more snow than us...we just got a slight dusting. Great pic, Pam!

Anna said...

Time for a new post Pam! ;-)