We Deweys went to Connecticut for the dedication of a Boy Scout hall for the troop Dave grew up with. The hall is a beautiful log building with an enormous stone fireplace situated on 20 wooded acres. The amount of work and community support involved to create this unique facility is impressive. Two golf carts were on loan for giving tours of the property. When Dave and Sam were on the tour, Sam was given a chance to drive the cart for a moment. I remember being a little kid being allowed to steer my Grampy's boat. It was scary and exciting at the same time. To our son it was exciting, but his passengers felt the fear. Sam's big eyes and maniacal laughter accompanied his foot flooring the gas pedal. When I saw him after the tour he burst into a room full of people exclaiming, "Hey Guys! We just go really fast!"
After the ceremony Dave and Sam stayed behind to help clean up while Mae and I went shopping at Target. The golf carts were lined up waiting to be loaded on a truck when Sam disappeared. The story goes, he ran for the carts, climbed in and took off. Once again, eyes huge and laughing manically he sped along in the cart. Witnesses state he navigated around large rocks and parked cars while being chased on foot by adults trying to gain control of the vehicle. The joyride ended when he drove into the front of the scout hall. The cart got stuck under the deck and six people were required to liberate it. Thankfully no one was hurt and the golf cart suffered only minor scratches. The Dewey family has been involved with this scout troop for decades. Yesterday afternoon, the third generation of Deweys made their mark in the troop's history books before actually joining the organization.
takes after his mama, eh?
oh my god.
The lesson of the story...never leave your keys to the cars were Sam Dewey can use them!
Holy crow - that Sammo!!
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