If you've seen the movie you'll get the reference. Dave and I have made up a little game. We hide body parts in places for the other to discover. I found the severed head of a turtle in my Advil. Dave's discovered miniature amputated limbs in his peanut butter. I'm surprised this kind of thing doesn't happen more often with three big dogs and all the toys we have laying around.
ok I got to say... this one is a little out there for me... Guess the next dinner date I will have to keep an eye open for missing parts :-)
Have a great day..
a real turtle head in advil? you and Dave have some weird funky s**t happening over there, don't ya?! hehehehe ;)
Ha ha ha! reminds me of the old chuckie doll mike and i used to hide on each other! you're not so wierd after all!!!
You to need to get out more!
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