Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Typical Morning At The Deweybarn

It's 9am and my kids are still in their pajamas. Our dogs are waiting for breakfast. Playhouse Disney is on the television. Kid toys and dog toys litter the floor. There is a basket of clean laundry sitting on the desk waiting to go upstairs.

This particular morning Sam is wearing a Little Einstiens band aid on his chin. He slipped yesterday and whacked his chin on the floor. There was no blood but he insisted a band aid was necessary. Removing it will be a battle we shall wage tonight before bath. Mae is decked out in a princess gown I brought home from Target this weekend. When I've needed to take off the gown for meals or bath she puts up a royal battle.

I love this 17 second glimpse of an average morning in our lives. Years from now it will be a cherished keepsake.


Anonymous said...

Yes, a memory like this is priceless!


Anna said...

Mae looks SO CUTE in her dress!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh... this one is a keeper for when he starts dating :-)