This is a vacant house we drive by often. There are usually groundhogs grazing on the lawn. A few weeks ago we drove by and I saw two groundhogs sitting on the porch. All I could do was scream and point because I was laughing so hard. Since then, I keep my camera ready and drive by slowly. One afternoon I saw a single groundhog sitting on the porch. It is a dangerous corner to pull over on, so I decided to hold out for a picture of a pair.
In the meantime a small, blue wading pool appeared in the yard. I imagined little groundhog pool parties. My neighbor saw one of them near the pool and imagined a beach umbrella would complete the scene.
A couple of weeks have gone by and I'm getting impatient. I saw this one the other day near the porch and decided to settle. I wonder if he was waiting to rendezvous with one of his buddies or maybe a lady friend.