Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hanging On

Finding it difficult to concentrate while listening to David Cook-Love him!

Back to hanging on. I thought buying property was a crazy ride, selling is much more turbulent. We alternate between days of hopefulness and hopelessness. At the end of the day we simply place our trust in the hands of fate and believe someday our dreams for the future will be fulfilled. In the meantime we savour memories built at the Deweybarn. There have been great parties here, like the one in the backyard when we got married. There are memories of loss and devastation we've worked hard to put behind us. We have brought home beloved pets and felt the pain of losing them. To our young children, this is the only home they have known. They were conceived at the Deweybarn. In utero they were introduced to our sounds (barking dogs mostly), then were brought from the hospital to begin their lives here. I know the right family will find the barn and appreciate her as we have. It would be nice if they find us before the snow flies!

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