Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Many Topics At Year's End
Looking through our west-facing-windows, I see several grades in the landscape with many tree lines. Just now I took our new dog out and the tiniest snowflakes were falling. The fading sun created a magical glow. The snow looked like different colors of smoke drifting through rows of bare-limbed trees. We passed a stream that was full and rushing a few days ago when temperatures were in the 50's. In contrast, today it is 6 degrees and there are thick icicles clinging to the rocks. Through a new layer of ice we heard rushing water.
I handed over a check for $2000 today. This is a small portion of what our new septic will cost.
Did Your Siblings Get Their Asses Kicked?
This morning I was checking my e-mail when Mae tapped me on the arm and said, "Help." She was soaking wet. I sprinted to the living room and saw Sam with a glass of water and an evil grin. This afternoon I caught sight of Sam air born just before he landed on our dog Jack. The poor dog growled and relocated. Today I have spoken the following more than once, "Get off your sister!..Hands to yourself!...No one likes hands in their face!... Let's start over (when he's sassed me) I will ask you again..." Dave and I are only children. We hope we're doing the right thing. We have friends with horror stories like a sister who tried to poison the new arrival; an older sibling who bounced a baby jumper against a door frame with her in it (may have been the same family-Debbie Stevens?). I thought about these stories this afternoon when I was feeling helpless and frustrated. I realize this behavior is not new, it's been happening as long as families have been forming. What I'd like to know is, would your brother/sister have gotten their ass kicked for Sam Dewey's behavior today?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
He Calls It Like He Sees It
"Sam, I just talked with Lucas's Mommy and she said Lucas has his own money and buys things in stores all by himself. You are a big boy and you're smart, maybe we should start doing that."
Sam's response, "Not me, I'm too crazy."
I asked him to repeat himself so I could be sure that's what he said. Yep, that's what he said.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Lordy, Lordy Look Who's 40!

Double D is 40 today! For years our birthday ritual has been a meal out and private time together. Predictions for heavy snowfall encouraged dining in tonight. Thankfully, I had a chance to zip to the store before the snow turned heavy. Plan B is Surf and Turf and an early bedtime for the Dewey children.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Those Where The Days?
Dave and I agree the following story takes the cake. When I was in elementary school, the classroom for kids with special needs was across the street. Every day the class would come to the elementary school cafeteria for lunch. The general student population sat at tables placed against the walls. There was one table in the center of the room where Special Education students sat. Whenever someone got in trouble, the punishment was to sit at the center table with the special ed students. I wonder when they stopped doing that. Jeez, I hope they stopped doing that. I don't know for sure because this was back in New Hampshire. Hmm. I'll have to post a follow up on this one.
Friday, December 12, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Introducing our newest four legged family member, Meike. She is much cuter than this picture, more flattering photos will be published later. Yes, I have heard many a Public Service Announcement cautioning families not to adopt a new pet during the holidays. It is difficult to describe what lead us to this moment. It was like knowing the mail will be delivered tomorrow. I knew another dog was coming.
Meike's last family felt they weren't able to give her attention they'd felt she needed. She had lived with them for two years after practically falling into their laps. When Meike was a puppy, approximately 5 months old she wandered onto a busy road during morning commuter traffic. She was skinny and wore a collar with no tags. Not wanting to see this dog hit, the couple shooed her off the road and tried continuing on to work. Unaware Meike had run back to their truck, they accidentally ran over her. Feeling terrible, they brought her to a veterinary hospital and then home with them to convalesce. The rest of her story is now just begining.