Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Twisted Humor

This morning the electrician working on our house arranged for the power company to upgrade our lines. When the electrician arrived, Mae had just woken up and Dave was sleeping. He asked if the truck could be moved to make room for the power company. I tossed him the keys as I got Mae dressed and prepared her breakfast.

A few minutes later, I looked outside and saw the look on the poor guy's face as the truck rolled backward down a steep hill. Thankfully, a metal post stopped the truck from continuing on into the stream. He was understandably rattled. When he finally made it into the house, he found me doubled over laughing. "Did you see that?" I realized asking if he was alright would be the responsible thing to do. It took work but I managed to wipe away the tears rolling down my cheeks and control my laughter enough to inquire about his condition. He said, "That woke me up and I haven't had my two cups of coffee yet!" Later, when I loaded the Deweykids into the van he asked, "Would you like me to valet park your van Mam?" I'm glad we share the same sense of humor.

1 comment:

Anna said...

OH NO!! That is funny! Thank heavens for the metal pole! I bet that dude felt terrible...good thing you have such a sense of humor! :)