Sunday, March 29, 2009

Two More Funny Notes On Vegas

This picture is pretty darn funny.
Second, I got a complete stranger to say, "Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!" I walked by a craps table (unfortunate name) and stopped to ask if people actually say, "Mama needs a new pair of shoes" when they throw dice. The dealer smiled and nodded. A player volunteered to say, "Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!" On his next roll he said, "Baby needs a new pair of shoes!" I don't think he won, but he didn't lose. Lady luck is fickle. First few days I cleaned up and spent my winnings. Last few days I fed the machines $45. In the end, casinos paid for my drinks, a meal for two that included a pitcher of margaritas at Baja Miguel's, and a head shot for my business cards and website. Viva Las Vegas.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Bwaahahahahaha! LOVE that picture! You are ONE HOT MAMA!