Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Random thoughts, random photos. Just thought they were cute pictures of Sam, Mae and Tazor. I'm giving my two week notice tomorrow, Yahoo! Was offered a job that will allow us to eliminate daycare and give me a better schedule to work on my medical transcription course. We will keep Sam in "school" a few mornings a week because it is good for him.

Mom's Who Rock is this Sunday. I hope the corset I ordered arrives in time, gotta look the part as I am a Rockin' Mom. I wonder if the other moms are practicing their songs while breaking up altercations and soothing crying children.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Last week we decided to scrap Sam's naps. The process was making us all miserable. After two days of giving my all and still no nap, I gave in. I have to admit the trade for an earlier bedtime has been nice. Today after Mae's nap I thought it might be fun to go for a drive. The ice cream stand down the road opened recently and we all like creemies. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Sam's head start to droop and his eyes glaze over. Oh no! "Honey, are you tired?". "No", he replied. I knew I had a roll of Smarties in my purse, I fished it out and passed it back. "Candies!". Whew. We had our creemies, then he fell asleep on the way home. It is a long, bumpy dirt road and he had been up since 6:00am. I had been spoiled by napping when they did. I had to get ready for round 2 of the day so I took advantage. Now I'll have to suck it up like most parents. My recently widowed neighbor drives her two teenaged girls all over New England, every weekend for their basketball games. She also has a son who is Sam's age. I'm sure she had to kiss naps goodbye a long time ago.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Dandelions on the Deweybarn Trail

Dave maintains walking trails on our 10.2 acres. Sam, Mae, the two non working dogs and I enjoyed a hike today after nap time. Dandelions are everywhere after a few days of rain. It was wonderful watching Sam as he ran ahead building this bouquet for me. When posing for pictures the first shot was of him sweetly smelling the flowers. I think this one more accurately represents my wild oldest child.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mae Leta Soon To Be On The Move

Mae has been adeptly speeding along with her three legged crawl for some time now. Recently she demonstrated an ability to pull herself up with ease. Once she begins walking I'm sure her brother will instruct her how to allude us for diaper changes, bedtime, etc. Yes, I know we signed up for this and we will charish every chaotic moment as I am told it goes by in the blink of an eye.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Three Year Old Logic

To understand this post, I need to explain Kilo. It would take a book to do him justice so I will summarize. Kilo was my husband's police dog. Kilo was a 110+ pound, all black, German Shepherd. We trained him from an 8 week old puppy until he died unexpectedly at the age of 8.

Tonight Sam was looking at Dave's miniature fire trucks on display in our bookcase. An 8x10 photo from the shelf above had slid down behind the display. Sam said, "Look Mommy, fire." I pulled it out to show him the whole photo, explaining it was a picture from one of our camping trips to the island. He looked at me with is bright, hopefull eyes and asked, "Mommy, we go back to the island and see Kilo?". I still haven't recovered. I mourn for our family's personal loss, I mourn for Murdoch's loss (he's our 11 year old dog), for the community he served, his partner's on the police force, and for the hundreds of people who phoned, sent cards and e-mails, flowers, and donations to the K-9 program. What a profound effect a few words from a little guy has.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Spring Rain

I really love a spring rain at the Deweybarn. It is a day to play inside games while listening to rain on a metal roof. Outside, if you can forgive the mud, it feels warm and fresh. Everything is greener, the leaves have come out a bit more, and the air smells of new flowers. When it is quiet you can hear water rushing in the streams and songbirds chirping. It is a day to allow yourself a seat on the couch to watch a feature length film with your kids. To hell with dirty dishes in the sink.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Sam, Mae and Pam; Dave and Leta; Carol and Pam

I'd say we had a good day: Okemo looks better, they let me sleep until 8:30am, kids behaved at the grocery store, our very talented neighbor generously fixed the tractor, had an hour nap this afternoon, and we took a very nice walk on the trails out back. It also is quite wonderful to have received a Goddess package at the local day spa to look forward to. This mother's day thing is alright.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Our Okemo

Disturbing news today. Okemo has come in contact with a meningeal worm which causes irreversible nerve damage. I noticed an awkwardness in her gait recently. I made an appointment with Dr. Thompson, a large animal veterinarian who makes house calls. He assessed weakness in both her hind legs, drew blood to confirm, and diagnosed her with Parelaphostrongylus tennis. Damn, rotten meningeal worm. The current damage is permanent, but he feels confident we caught it early enough to stop any further damage, with treatment. If her symptoms worsen, she would need to be but down. I feel terribly sad, angry, and guilty. I know there is nothing we did or did not do to cause this, but it is hard not to blame yourself. Any time we have seen any clumpy droppings out there we have de-wormed. She is a magnificent animal. She is the first female llama to be certified in the regional pack trials (a pack llama obstacle course). She is the smartest of our two llamas. Even with her hind end weakness she is still leader of the outside beasts. Our beautiful, magnificent Okemo, please let us help you adapt to these life changes and continue to gracefully, expertly lead the pasture as you are destined to do.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Tazor in Training

He will be home for good and on the road in three to four weeks. Look out bad guys!

Monday, May 7, 2007


Both being only children, my husband and I realize we cannot fully under-stand the sibling dynamic. Yesterday Mae made me realize I can get off Sam's back a little and give them some space to work things out. They were on my bed watching a DVD while I folded a monster pile of laundry. Sam was subtly torturing her by leaning on her, squeezing her feet, and just being a pain. My little Mae Leta suddenly swatted at Sam with a stuffed animal, accompanying her action with a vocalization that was clearly a reprimand. I loved it!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Looking Up

I am beginning to feel I have more interesting material when I am in over my head. After the Goat Trauma things have settled down somewhat (for the time being). A job opportunity has presented itself that will save money on daycare and hopefully allow more study time. I am entered in a fundraiser called "Mom's Who Rock", and will be singing one song with a live band on June 3 at a popular local nightclub. The show starts at 6:30pm so my kids can be there to hear me sing! I am excited and terrified at the same time. I am very comfortable performing, but singing adds a level of terror that makes it more exciting. I call it my bungie jumping for the soul. If anyone would like to cheer me on it will be Sunday, June 3, 6:30pm at Higher Ground in South Burlington.