Monday, May 28, 2007


Last week we decided to scrap Sam's naps. The process was making us all miserable. After two days of giving my all and still no nap, I gave in. I have to admit the trade for an earlier bedtime has been nice. Today after Mae's nap I thought it might be fun to go for a drive. The ice cream stand down the road opened recently and we all like creemies. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Sam's head start to droop and his eyes glaze over. Oh no! "Honey, are you tired?". "No", he replied. I knew I had a roll of Smarties in my purse, I fished it out and passed it back. "Candies!". Whew. We had our creemies, then he fell asleep on the way home. It is a long, bumpy dirt road and he had been up since 6:00am. I had been spoiled by napping when they did. I had to get ready for round 2 of the day so I took advantage. Now I'll have to suck it up like most parents. My recently widowed neighbor drives her two teenaged girls all over New England, every weekend for their basketball games. She also has a son who is Sam's age. I'm sure she had to kiss naps goodbye a long time ago.

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