Disturbing news today. Okemo has come in contact with a meningeal worm which causes irreversible nerve damage. I noticed an awkwardness in her gait recently. I made an appointment with Dr. Thompson, a large animal veterinarian who makes house calls. He assessed weakness in both her hind legs, drew blood to confirm, and diagnosed her with Parelaphostrongylus tennis. Damn, rotten meningeal worm. The current damage is permanent, but he feels confident we caught it early enough to stop any further damage, with treatment. If her symptoms worsen, she would need to be but down. I feel terribly sad, angry, and guilty. I know there is nothing we did or did not do to cause this, but it is hard not to blame yourself. Any time we have seen any clumpy droppings out there we have de-wormed. She is a magnificent animal. She is the first female llama to be certified in the regional pack trials (a pack llama obstacle course). She is the smartest of our two llamas. Even with her hind end weakness she is still leader of the outside beasts. Our beautiful, magnificent Okemo, please let us help you adapt to these life changes and continue to gracefully, expertly lead the pasture as you are destined to do.
Oh Dear! I will send good wishes Okemo's way. What a beautiful girl! You are right though, you've done nothing wrong! You've been a good Lamma Mama.
Candles have been lit for Okemo at the Cain house. And Kim is right - you are a wonderful LLama Mama. Okemo will adapt with your love and help.
You are one HOT LLama Mama! No one could ever treat them as well as you do. Okemo knows that. Sorry to hear about her illness.
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