Thursday, April 3, 2008

Premeditation or Experimentation?

This morning Sam was in the bathroom and quiet. I checked in to see him playing with a sink full of water and a little red boat. I'm fine with that. Several minutes later he emerged from the lavatory with a nearly empty container of Gold Bond Powder. He gleefully ran about the house saying, "I wasted it! I wasted it!" While squirting out clouds of stinky powder. At first I was furious. His statement indicated he deliberately emptied that powder into a sink full of water, making more work for me. I try to keep a sense of humor in these situations, but premeditated meanness is not funny. After cooling down I wondered if he was just curious what would happen when he added a new ingredient to his mixture. He knows soap makes bubbles. Sometimes we play with flour on the table and he makes roads with his cars. I wonder if he was working on a little experiment. I set him at the table with a container of water and some little boats so I could keep an eye on my sneaky little scientist. I was still angry about the mess and his dance through the house, but will accept partial responsibility for leaving a mischievious four-year-old alone in the bathroom.

1 comment:

Kimberly Ward said...

You realize of course that with this blog you have the perfect amunition for dates when Sammy gets old enough! (She says thinking, more pictures of Sammy when he DOES these bad things could be shown to dates too...)
