Monday, April 23, 2007

Earth Day

Sunday was a gorgeous day. There was an Earth Day celebration at St.Michael's College with two local bands playing. I packed up the kids and headed out for a fun, free afternoon. Well it was fun but whether or not it was free remains to be seen. Sam listened very well when asked to stay close while I loaded Mae in the backpack. As my back was too him he chattered away and then said, "Mommy I did it". Rarely is that a good statement. I turned to see he had decorated the nice, red, shiny Land Rover next to us in the parking lot with his matchbox car. Small circular patterns were etched on the right rear door. I left a note explaining my three year old son had scratched the door and left my name and number. That was yesterday and they haven't called yet. I did notice a bumper sticker on the back that read "You get what you give", I hope they choose to give mercy.

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