Friday, April 20, 2007

Mother Earth Has Healing Power

There are things that get to me lately, nothing that won't pass, but are consuming nonetheless. I struggled tonight when I found myself obsessing about them when I was holding a beautiful, sleeping baby in my arms while rubbing my nearly sleeping son's back. I was living in a precious moment, but my mind was fretting about things that should take a back seat to my private life. When I took the dogs out tonight, the dirt road had just been grated and I smelled fresh earth. Stars were shining and a sliver of moon illuminated silhouettes of bare tree branches against the night sky. In the distance I heard peepers! Peepers! Earth, moon, stars, and peepers. I inhaled it all, then exhaled all the baggage and found a moment of peace.


Anna said...

Pam! Another beautiful post! What the heck is a peeper?

pmd said...

Peepers are those little frogs that make loud peeping sounds in the early spring. Looking for mates I suppose.

MargieCain said...

I slept with the window open last night because the peepers were I was lying there listening, I thought of your post. Mother Earth does make you slow down and listen, doesn't she??

Your blog is great, Pam Dewey!!