Sometimes the chaos makes my head want to explode, or rest it in the oven. Another gorgeous day so Sam, Mae and I headed for the backyard. I purposely left the dogs in because I didn't want to worry about Jack wandering. The wind must have blown the door open, I looked up to see him happily trotting down the hill. He headed right for the llama pasture, jumped through the electric fence and started chasing Bill, the youngest goat. Dave wasn't home, neighbors weren't home, Mae screamed every time I put her down. Nothing I could do but watch and wait until he wore himself out and came back. At first it was entertaining, Peanut was chasing Jack trying to butt at him, the two of them dancing around the pasture got Mae giggling. Then what looked playful turned ugly, Jack started chasing Peanut and grabbed hold of his hind leg. Peanut sharted bleating and running away with Jack's jaw locked on to his hind quarter. He managed to get away a few times and led Jack up to the shelter. I put Mae down, ran in, grabbed Jack and brought him in the house. Poor Peanut. He's limping, and there is swelling just above his knee. Thankfully Jack has bad teeth and didn't break the skin. We are waiting for a call back from the vet. Sometimes I wonder if we'd be better off to just stay inside.
Oh dear! But you know, Rex would have done the same thing as Jack. Poor Peanut...
and please don't put your head in the oven, Pam...unless it really is just for a rest!
We had a great day with you three! We'll have to do that more often!
:-) Anna
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