Monday, November 24, 2008

Moments To Be Thankful For

With Sam in my life there are days I feel exasperated and exhausted. I also have many moments to cherish. Mae and Dave stepped out for an hour or so this afternoon. I took Sam out to look at deer tracks in the snow. We speculated about where the deer had come from, what they were doing in our backyard and where they went after their visit. When we were outside, he found his Tonka truck and wanted to bring it inside. The truck was covered with snow. I told him we should put it on a towel next to the wood stove to melt all the snow off. When inside, he discovered tossing small bits of snow on the woodstove makes a cool hissing sound and then the snow evaporates. I brought more snow in for him and he said, "Mama, I'm soooo happy to have snow to throw at the stove." I don't know why, but it melted my heart.


Anna said...

Well...he's gonna love winter then! You'll be hauling in buckets of the white stuff for him for months! :)

Anonymous said...

As I read your note I also know that around the same time, I watched Mae try to ride a fake bike I have under a table at my house as Dave and I talked about an up coming K9 case I have at court. As I was worried about what a lawyer may ask me about what Casko and did why, I watched Mae try to ride a bike with wheels that don't turn and dance with a scare crow that was as tall as her. It was so cute and It made me stop and think how awesome the simple things in life can be.