Part I-Today was the Green Mountain Iron Dog competition (which was amazing! To be continued in Part II, III and IV). As I have described earlier, my son can be quite the handful so I planned to go after lunch and my daughter's nap. After a call from Dave around 10:00 telling me he'd forgotten to bring the ice cream my plan needed adjustment. By the time I'd gotten everyone loaded in the van I was feeling very sorry for myself. Sam had been not only disobedient, but laughingly behaved with disregard for his own and other's safety. His self preservation instinct finally kicked in when I stopped shouting at him and my affect went flat. I would have frightened myself had I been on his end. Cooperation soon followed. I backed up our van (that we have owned for for less than four months) to the barn door so I could load ice cream. As we pulled away I heard a noise and felt something. Being distracted and feeling pitiful, I thought, "Is that ice cream rolling around in the back? Weird." No. It was the side of our van scraping along the stone wall in front of our house. We now have an eight foot long scrape, dent, and gouges in the paint of our 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan. Fuck!
Part II-Iron Dog was really amazing! Dave does a great job organizing this event. One thing making this year different was location. There were plenty of places to observe the course while taking in a nice fall day on Lake Champlain. Demonstrations from other emergency services were engaging and interesting. This event felt more like a destination; there were places to hang out on a gorgeous day while enjoying a dog friendly event.
Part III, that Sam Dewey! He is so confident. After the drama of this morning I was spent. I was exhausted while watching him take off into the crowd, waiting to see what he would do. He as out of sight and unphased, the bugger! I felt relatively safe with a strong law enforcement presence and knowing a bloodhound from Massachusetts was in the competition if we needed her.
Part IV- Tazor tied for first place in the 100 yard dash with another Malinois! That dog is fast.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Females Can Not Resist a Colorful, Glittery, Vinyl Corset!
The Dewey family was invited to a vivacious, red-headed girl's 4th birthday party today. Sam and Caitlyn have been friends since February 2004 when Sam first attended school (daycare) in Williston. Unfortunately Dave couldn't join us as Green Mountain Iron Dog is tomorrow. He was busy setting up the course and dealing with last minute details. Myself, Sam and Mae had a lovely time. There was a pinata shaped like a castle with ribbons dangling from the bottom. This style of pinata is designed to burst open when the pre-set ribbon is pulled. It was hung from a tree as the children took turns whacking it with at plastic bat. I said, "Isn't that one where you pull the ribbon?". The birthday girl's daddy said, "Yes, but we're going to whack it anyway." We just love him.
Sam and Mae picked out Fairytale Barbie as a gift. She had colorful fairy wings and a gorgeous, vinyl, glittery corset. The birthday girl squealed with delight when she opened it. I think I would have squealed myself, especially if it were in my size.
Sam and Mae picked out Fairytale Barbie as a gift. She had colorful fairy wings and a gorgeous, vinyl, glittery corset. The birthday girl squealed with delight when she opened it. I think I would have squealed myself, especially if it were in my size.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
PSA: Green Mountain Iron Dog is Sunday, September 30, 2007
For those who don't know, it is a competition for people with their dogs. Over the course of a mile and a half run, there are obstacle courses, a water crossing, a paint ball shoot and other creative challenges. The public is invited to watch or participate. The event is organized by my husband and the Vermont Police K-9 Association. He has a few other cool things of interest, there will be a National Guard helicopter there, an equine rescue group will do a demonstration, dog related vendors will be present, there is a raffle, and the fire department puts on a barbecue. The fun begins around 9:30am at Camp Kiniya in Colchester. It is located off route 2 headed toward the islands. Turn onto Clay point road and follow the signs.
"Hi Guys! I'm Sam Dewey!"

The Thrane family, delightful friends of ours offered to take our children for an evening. Dave and I took them up on it tonight so we could meet with friends who recently built a log home. The Thranes live in a wonderful old neighborhood in South Burlington. When outside packing up for a walk to a nearby park, Sam spotted their neighbors across the street getting into their car. "Hi guys! I'm Sam Dewey! I'm going to the park!". Clearly confidence is something we don't need to worry about with him.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I have not seen her for more than a week. Two days ago I stopped putting out her food dish. Every evening I look for her in the usual spot on the rafters in our barn. I call for her when it is time for dinner. Jennie came into our lives May, 1998. Dave called me one morning when he worked night shift in Winooski to request I bring him a can of cat food on my way to work. Naturally I asked why. He told me about a skinny, tortuous shell cat that had been stalking him all night. I told him, "She must have chosen you for a reason, you bring her home!". Often I refer to Jennie is my favorite. Jennie trained Kilo, Sam and Mae how a felines are to be treated. Frequently during the night I find her snuggled up with Sam or Mae. She has the best purr. When pregnant with both my children encouraged her to surround my round belly so my babies could enjoy and become familiar with her purr. For the longest time we have cursed her for relentlessly clawing at our bedroom window during the night when she wants to be let in. Both of us scheme of ways to discourage this behavior. I thought about of covering the window with Vaseline or placing a bucket of cold water on the roof to dump on her when she won't stop clawing on the glass. Tonight, or any night I will welcome the sound of claws on glass. Especially if it means my girl is still here and alright.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
We Now Own 21.84 Acres
Of course, 11.64 acres are in Fairfax. We closed on the property today which elevates my level of excitement about the future. Gary, or realtor is so cute. If I could pick a grandpa in Vermont it would definitely be him. During the closing I said, "Today we walk away with the keys!" The look he gave me was adorable. He said, "The lights are on but no one is home, I forgot them!". As we were leaving he asked me not to tell his son, who works for him at the real estate agency. Apparently his son forgot keys once and Gary has never let him forget it. He will meet us at the property tomorrow morning with them. It feels different now that the land and camp is ours. Gary said after we were under contract, the interest in the property soared, "Unbelievable", he said. We knew we were doing the right thing from the start.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Knowing Doesn't Make It Any Easier
I learned early on that as a parent, we will always take the brunt of everything. When Sam was four months old I fell down the stairs with him in my arms. He was fine but I broke a bone in my foot protecting him. Last week he started his new school. He loves it and is excited to go. He gets to ride the bus home and does well in class. At home for several nights now he has been terrible to me. Sam's behavior has been malicious, then he laughs in my face. I can only remain calm for so long before I start screaming and swearing at him. Today I didn't know if I could survive another night of it. Thankfully Dave got up early and took both kids out for an hour and a half. I soaked in the jet tub for 30 minutes before my head cleared, then laid in my bed listening to silence. When he got home tonight he was like a different boy, very sweet, cooperative and nice to his sister. I've been told these storms come in cycles and I know I will absorb the brunt of them, but I couldn't' help but think, "This is why Valium was created".
Sunday, September 16, 2007
FAT lip
I am so disappointed our digital camera either has died or needs a new battery. First of all, Sam's first day taking the bus home from school was when it went blank. Next week I will have to pretend it is his first day all over again. I wonder if the bus driver will think, "Is she going to be taking pictures every day he arrives home safely?". Secondly, I would have quite the photo to report today. Dave and Sam went to visit Gramma and Grampa in Connecticut for two days. At their house the door to the basement opens in, to a set of stairs that ends on a cement floor. He took a tumble last night. Thankfully nothing is broken but he is sporting the biggest fat lip I've ever seen. It actually impedes his speech. School pictures are Tuesday. This will be interesting.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I Am Reminded of a Person With Dementia
For more than a year I enjoyed worked for a small business called The Sewing Basket. I recollect an elderly couple coming in for alterations. To us, her husband was hilarious. "What is this place?" His wife, "It's the Sewing Basket dear." His response "The Sewing Bastard? I never heard of such a place! Ha, Ha, Hee Hee". I could tell the wife was exhausted trying to keep her husband in check. I admired her for her loving acceptance and support of him.
This week out of desperation I needed supplies at the grocery store and had to bring both children. Sam is extremely confident and infinitely curious. None of his behavior was malicious, but when he chooses not to ride in the cart and freely explore his surroundings, I am constantly trying to keep him in check. Several people looked at me with pity, some with grins. A few told me, "You certainly have your hands full!". Yes I do. I lovingly accept and support the little bugger, and hope his energy and confidence serve him well later in life. For now, I am frequently counting to ten, controlling my breathing, and reminding myself of that wonderful woman caring for her husband with dementia.
This week out of desperation I needed supplies at the grocery store and had to bring both children. Sam is extremely confident and infinitely curious. None of his behavior was malicious, but when he chooses not to ride in the cart and freely explore his surroundings, I am constantly trying to keep him in check. Several people looked at me with pity, some with grins. A few told me, "You certainly have your hands full!". Yes I do. I lovingly accept and support the little bugger, and hope his energy and confidence serve him well later in life. For now, I am frequently counting to ten, controlling my breathing, and reminding myself of that wonderful woman caring for her husband with dementia.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I've been thinking for the past few weeks I haven't had anything good to blog. Today the moment arrived. Sam, Mae, Murdoch, Jack and I attempted a nice afternoon walk. Murdoch is fine off leash, Jack still makes a break for it when given the chance. Sam insisted on pushing Mae in the stroller. We made it 1/8 of a mile when I decided we should turn around to bring the dogs home. There was more traffic than usual as it is picking season at the apple orchard down the road, then one of our neighbor's cats darted across our path and Murdoch disappeared after him. Holding Jack straining on leash and keeping Sam's stroller navigation under control was not worth the hassle. Thankfully, Murdoch returned from his pursuit of the cat and we headed home. Jack and I were walking in the newly dug drainage ditch on the side of our road because he prefers to do his business in the tall grass. Sam decided to follow us with Mae in the stroller. Calamity struck. Sam and Mae got too close to the edge and disappeared down a slop into tall grass. Amidst screaming from both children and a toppled over stroller, I dropped Jack's leash and attempted to correct their position. Of course I slipped and fell down the slope with them. I got Mae's stroller vertical, Sam up, and while attempting to get myself out of the ditch Sam caught Jack's leash. Good to know Sam is on the ball when calamity strikes.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
"Mommy, that reindeer is sleeping"
We have been watching the Animal Planet lately. When Sam is torturing Mae or if she's whining "Me, Me, Me, Meeeee" (like she is doing right now, thank goodness for Shaw's supermarket and their reasonably priced wine), it is nice to have something to distract them. We were making zucchini bread this afternoon and watching something about big cats. When Sam told me about the sleeping reindeer I said, "Yes honey, he must be very tired. Let's see what else is on."
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Much to Report
I have been (understandably) reprimanded for my lack of blogging lately. Double D has been sleeping in our office/sewing/guest room during the day and we have had a guest staying during the night for the past two weeks. On nights I had free to blog, Sam Dewey has chosen to be the mirror image of me.
Me: "Sam, it is time for bed"
Sam: Furrowed brow, same intonation and stance "Mommy, I am not sleepy!"
That child reminds me of how my mother used to shout at me, "I hope you have 10 kids, just like you!". I didn't realize the spell she was casting meant ten kids all rolled into one child. Dave has said a few times recently, "I think most people might choose to medicate him if he were their child." That may be true but we choose to tough it out, hoping his energy and confidence will serve him well later in life.

Me: "Sam, it is time for bed"
Sam: Furrowed brow, same intonation and stance "Mommy, I am not sleepy!"
That child reminds me of how my mother used to shout at me, "I hope you have 10 kids, just like you!". I didn't realize the spell she was casting meant ten kids all rolled into one child. Dave has said a few times recently, "I think most people might choose to medicate him if he were their child." That may be true but we choose to tough it out, hoping his energy and confidence will serve him well later in life.
I will never tire of images with messy faced babies enjoying treats!
Land/building updates: So far, good to go! Our current house appraised for what we needed it to. We have time to process our many ideas for this beautiful piece of woodland before moving forward.
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