Sunday, September 23, 2007


I have not seen her for more than a week. Two days ago I stopped putting out her food dish. Every evening I look for her in the usual spot on the rafters in our barn. I call for her when it is time for dinner. Jennie came into our lives May, 1998. Dave called me one morning when he worked night shift in Winooski to request I bring him a can of cat food on my way to work. Naturally I asked why. He told me about a skinny, tortuous shell cat that had been stalking him all night. I told him, "She must have chosen you for a reason, you bring her home!". Often I refer to Jennie is my favorite. Jennie trained Kilo, Sam and Mae how a felines are to be treated. Frequently during the night I find her snuggled up with Sam or Mae. She has the best purr. When pregnant with both my children encouraged her to surround my round belly so my babies could enjoy and become familiar with her purr. For the longest time we have cursed her for relentlessly clawing at our bedroom window during the night when she wants to be let in. Both of us scheme of ways to discourage this behavior. I thought about of covering the window with Vaseline or placing a bucket of cold water on the roof to dump on her when she won't stop clawing on the glass. Tonight, or any night I will welcome the sound of claws on glass. Especially if it means my girl is still here and alright.


Anna said...

has she come home, yet?

pmd said...

No Jennie. Today Dave told me to go out in the barn and look on the hay bales. I was hoping to see her curled up there. Nope. It was the gorgeous Steve Hunick print for the team who wins Iron Dog this weekend.