Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I've been thinking for the past few weeks I haven't had anything good to blog. Today the moment arrived. Sam, Mae, Murdoch, Jack and I attempted a nice afternoon walk. Murdoch is fine off leash, Jack still makes a break for it when given the chance. Sam insisted on pushing Mae in the stroller. We made it 1/8 of a mile when I decided we should turn around to bring the dogs home. There was more traffic than usual as it is picking season at the apple orchard down the road, then one of our neighbor's cats darted across our path and Murdoch disappeared after him. Holding Jack straining on leash and keeping Sam's stroller navigation under control was not worth the hassle. Thankfully, Murdoch returned from his pursuit of the cat and we headed home. Jack and I were walking in the newly dug drainage ditch on the side of our road because he prefers to do his business in the tall grass. Sam decided to follow us with Mae in the stroller. Calamity struck. Sam and Mae got too close to the edge and disappeared down a slop into tall grass. Amidst screaming from both children and a toppled over stroller, I dropped Jack's leash and attempted to correct their position. Of course I slipped and fell down the slope with them. I got Mae's stroller vertical, Sam up, and while attempting to get myself out of the ditch Sam caught Jack's leash. Good to know Sam is on the ball when calamity strikes.


Anna said...

Holy Shit! Pardon the language Pam, but nothing else really seemed to do it justice!

Erin said...

Glad to know it happens to other people too!!!!!! LOL