Monday, December 31, 2007
An Image I Will Treasure
Saturday, December 29, 2007
"Daddy, Santa is trying to get that guy."
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
My Son Took This Picture of Our Grammy on Christmas Day
Of all the photos taken today, this is my favorite. When I called her this morning to wish her a Merry Christmas, she told me my Uncle was coming for her to spend the day at his house. I thought, "I'd like to go to Uncle Buster's house." Dave was between night shifts and would be sleeping all day; it's only a two and a half hour drive; so I spontaneously decided to pack us up and go. I told my Uncle we were coming, but not Grammy because I thought it would be fun to surprise her. It was a wonderful visit! My kids were great, not perfect, but who is? Mae decided to strip after only an hour and insisted on being topless. Sam was good. He of course had to taunt Mae a little and sass me a few times, but overall he impressed me. I love this photo because he caught a smile in her eyes.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Okemo Update

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Essex Police is Outside Writing the Accident Report Now
Just added the photo for visual interest.
Here is my all time favorite curse word: Cocksucker!!! I don't even know where to start. After the van window incident, Dave was out of town for the night so I sneaked out to do llama chores when Mae napped and Sam was at school. Okemo, our white llama didn't look right to me, and she let me touch her, which she never does without complaint. She felt skinny and didn't look very hardy. Dave had been doing the chores since I was 8 months pregnant with Sam. He rarely notices when the animals don't look good. We both feel terrible. The vet came today and confirmed my suspicions. He boosted her with vitamins, anti inflammatory, acupuncture and a dewormer. Dr. Thompson then collected blood and fecal samples screening for other problems. I've felt sick about this since last night. I spent time with them tonight, and sneaked some grain to Okemo. Something I plan to do daily until she fattens back up.
Here is where the Essex Police comes in. As Dave was on his way home from getting the van's rear window fixed and thinking, "What else can go wrong?" Wham! He hit a deer. The poor thing got up and fled to the woods, leaving my van needing more body work. There goes another $500. deductible. I won't even mention what I paid for Okemo today.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Humor is Difficult to Find Some Days
Thankfully the mom of one of Sam's school friends is able to bring him to school. Though this is a pisser, things could be worse.
Friday, December 14, 2007
She Was On To Something
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
We Were So Close...
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Lessons One, Two, Three and a Bonus
Lesson Two: It takes two to tango. We four attended a birthday party for one of Sam's classmates this afternoon. Being Sam, we prepared to keep a close eye and a tight leash on our son. The tension between us increased as the hours passed. The final hour of the party whenever Dave or I tried keeping him in line, he barely acknowledged us. On our way home Dave I discussed how we feel when someone observing us assumes the worst. Our son is a handful. Our work is to find balance between discipline and allowing a chance to do the right thing.
Lesson Three: Christmas is magic. Tonight we watched "The Polar Express" that aired on ABC Family Channel. Though we've watched it with Sam the past three years, this year he really saw it. As credits rolled, Sam paced. He explained to us that when he hears the rumble, he will come downstairs to board the train. The train will take him to the North Pole and he will meet Santa. Upon his return, there will be a toy train under our tree and a bell from Santa's sleigh wrapped just for him. Children can help us rediscover the magic of youth.
Bonus: At the party this afternoon Mae Dewey decided it was time to start walking. At 22 months it is a concern that she's not walking independently. We've begun Physical Therapy and have an appointment with an orthopedist on Thursday. It's funny, she achieves the next step on her own at the precise moment we arrange services to assist her. Isn't that typical?