Tuesday, December 11, 2007

We Were So Close...

...to having high speed Internet today. It's taken a year from signing a contract with Adelphia, (which is now Comcast) to get cable at our end of the road. I hate to say it, but today I missed a good photo opportunity. I feel badly because we all liked the guy. The pole nearest our house is on a slope. He had concerns about his ladder reaching high enough to connect the cable to our house, but was willing to try. He gave up after three or four attempts. As he dragged the heavy ladder back up a snowy, slippery hill, he fell several times. The first time we giggled, but after a while, "Dave, you need to help the poor guy!". If we had been connected to high speed internet today, I might have uploaded an amusing video clip.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Hey!! I didn't hear back from you...how did Mae's appointments go? Get any Xmas shopping done? ;-)