Saturday, September 8, 2007

Much to Report

I have been (understandably) reprimanded for my lack of blogging lately. Double D has been sleeping in our office/sewing/guest room during the day and we have had a guest staying during the night for the past two weeks. On nights I had free to blog, Sam Dewey has chosen to be the mirror image of me.

Me: "Sam, it is time for bed"
Sam: Furrowed brow, same intonation and stance "Mommy, I am not sleepy!"

That child reminds me of how my mother used to shout at me, "I hope you have 10 kids, just like you!". I didn't realize the spell she was casting meant ten kids all rolled into one child. Dave has said a few times recently, "I think most people might choose to medicate him if he were their child." That may be true but we choose to tough it out, hoping his energy and confidence will serve him well later in life.

I will never tire of images with messy faced babies enjoying treats!
Land/building updates: So far, good to go! Our current house appraised for what we needed it to. We have time to process our many ideas for this beautiful piece of woodland before moving forward.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Much better! I needed my Dewey-fix! Hopefully we'll see you soon for apple picking!