He came to us with the name White Cat. We have since added El Diablo Blanco to his a.k.a. Several years back Dave was reading from the free section of the paper, "Will kill mice and rats for room and board." Of course we were interested, our best mouser had been hit by a car and we do live in a barn. We phoned for more information and learned he had chewed himself out of a trap. His mangled back legs were healing and he had passed an 8 inch piece of barbed wire from his gut. Whatever his deal was, the guy needed a break. He's definately Post Traumatic Stress, so sweet and then will turn on you without warning. When the kids came along, El Diablo demonstrated his displeasure by shitting on my lap while I nursed my 3 month old first born. He's lived outside ever since and thankfully, is content to do so.
Tonight, I heard goats outside the barn door as I headed out with grain and water, my apprehension was eased when White Cat appeared. For such a little guy, I've never seen him back down. He'll take on cats, dogs, goats, llamas, and minivans that drive along our road minding their own business. We know our children aren't safe alone with him, but he's our favorite. After all he's been through we will always make a safe place for him in our world. In return, he goes above and beyond to make our world safe.
I know you love him and all...but that is one creepy looking, bad-assed cat.
Yes he is and that is why we love him.
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