Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Looking For Feedback Please.....

Would I be "selling out" if I signed up for Adsense? That means advertisements would appear off to the side of my blog. I'm reluctant, but a little tempted. Please let me know. Anonymous comments are welcome. I have it set up to moderate comments because some foreign dude commented with a link to sell t-shirts once. Pissed me off. I won't block any relevant comments (unless you don't want it published-then let me know). Thank you!


Anna said...

You know...I started that process myself, and then chickened out when it came to entering my bank account numbers. But I might still try it...send it right to the boy's account...free money is good money, right?

Anonymous said...

it's only selling it out if YOU think it is.

but, just an fyi, most folks i know don't really make any money off it. not on little blogs like our, anyways. but it can't hurt to try!