Monday, December 31, 2007
An Image I Will Treasure
Saturday, December 29, 2007
"Daddy, Santa is trying to get that guy."
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
My Son Took This Picture of Our Grammy on Christmas Day
Of all the photos taken today, this is my favorite. When I called her this morning to wish her a Merry Christmas, she told me my Uncle was coming for her to spend the day at his house. I thought, "I'd like to go to Uncle Buster's house." Dave was between night shifts and would be sleeping all day; it's only a two and a half hour drive; so I spontaneously decided to pack us up and go. I told my Uncle we were coming, but not Grammy because I thought it would be fun to surprise her. It was a wonderful visit! My kids were great, not perfect, but who is? Mae decided to strip after only an hour and insisted on being topless. Sam was good. He of course had to taunt Mae a little and sass me a few times, but overall he impressed me. I love this photo because he caught a smile in her eyes.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Okemo Update

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Essex Police is Outside Writing the Accident Report Now
Just added the photo for visual interest.
Here is my all time favorite curse word: Cocksucker!!! I don't even know where to start. After the van window incident, Dave was out of town for the night so I sneaked out to do llama chores when Mae napped and Sam was at school. Okemo, our white llama didn't look right to me, and she let me touch her, which she never does without complaint. She felt skinny and didn't look very hardy. Dave had been doing the chores since I was 8 months pregnant with Sam. He rarely notices when the animals don't look good. We both feel terrible. The vet came today and confirmed my suspicions. He boosted her with vitamins, anti inflammatory, acupuncture and a dewormer. Dr. Thompson then collected blood and fecal samples screening for other problems. I've felt sick about this since last night. I spent time with them tonight, and sneaked some grain to Okemo. Something I plan to do daily until she fattens back up.
Here is where the Essex Police comes in. As Dave was on his way home from getting the van's rear window fixed and thinking, "What else can go wrong?" Wham! He hit a deer. The poor thing got up and fled to the woods, leaving my van needing more body work. There goes another $500. deductible. I won't even mention what I paid for Okemo today.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Humor is Difficult to Find Some Days
Thankfully the mom of one of Sam's school friends is able to bring him to school. Though this is a pisser, things could be worse.
Friday, December 14, 2007
She Was On To Something
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
We Were So Close...
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Lessons One, Two, Three and a Bonus
Lesson Two: It takes two to tango. We four attended a birthday party for one of Sam's classmates this afternoon. Being Sam, we prepared to keep a close eye and a tight leash on our son. The tension between us increased as the hours passed. The final hour of the party whenever Dave or I tried keeping him in line, he barely acknowledged us. On our way home Dave I discussed how we feel when someone observing us assumes the worst. Our son is a handful. Our work is to find balance between discipline and allowing a chance to do the right thing.
Lesson Three: Christmas is magic. Tonight we watched "The Polar Express" that aired on ABC Family Channel. Though we've watched it with Sam the past three years, this year he really saw it. As credits rolled, Sam paced. He explained to us that when he hears the rumble, he will come downstairs to board the train. The train will take him to the North Pole and he will meet Santa. Upon his return, there will be a toy train under our tree and a bell from Santa's sleigh wrapped just for him. Children can help us rediscover the magic of youth.
Bonus: At the party this afternoon Mae Dewey decided it was time to start walking. At 22 months it is a concern that she's not walking independently. We've begun Physical Therapy and have an appointment with an orthopedist on Thursday. It's funny, she achieves the next step on her own at the precise moment we arrange services to assist her. Isn't that typical?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Stow Away, and Topics of a Somber Nature

On another topic, having pets who have become seniors is a delicate place to find oneself. We, as well some good friends have companions who are now over 12 years old. Many things can happen in 12 or more years to impact the course of our lives. It is difficult to be unselfish when faced with the mortality of those who unconditionally support us. We admire and draw strength from our friends the Weibs as they respectfully care for Gunny. Our hearts are with the Cains as they care for Prospero. For us, we are reminded of Murdoch's age daily. Dave and I often think of Murdoch when he first appeared in our lives in 1997. He was a handful, although now we realize he was a breeze compared to Sam. Murdoch is now 12. We accept every day as a gift and try to prepare for the strength to do right by him when his time arrives.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Mommy, those rotten goats are out again!"
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Lighthearted and Heartfelt
Friday, November 16, 2007
First Day of Snow
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Birth Day

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Here It Is, My 100th Post

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Deweybarn Saturday Night Festivities
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
"Daddy, I Miss Kilo"

Our family has been overwhelmed and moved by support from the community who shares our great loss. Next month we will note the anniversary of his passing. It's hard to believe he has been gone nearly a year. At the same time it seems like an eternity since I've touched him.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Had Myself a Pity Party This Afternoon
After we dropped Sam at school, Mae and I headed for a much deserved lunch date. She fell asleep on our way to the restaurant. In hindsight I realize I should have handled things differently. We went in to the restaurant, I plunked Mae in a highchair at the table with our friends and headed for the buffet to fill our plate. I had two things on the plate when I heard her wailing! Poor thing was really freaked out. After the explosion she was not going back into that highchair. She and I went up together to finish filling our plate, she was fine. We sat down. It is difficult to eat a meal in a civilized manner with a squerming baby on your lap. Anna brought Mae a little dish of pudding and a spoon, which she loved and settled right down. I thought maybe I'd try the highchair again. She had a fit, waved her arms with a spoonful of pudding and whacked me right in the eye. I had an eye full of vanilla pudding and a freaked out child in my arms. After cleaning my face with a paper napkin, I opened my eye to realize I'd wiped out my contact lense! Damn it all! After a tough evening, a morning of the same, I really wanted to enjoy a meal out with friends! Other than the pleasure of seeing good friends, it sucked!
Thankfully my contact lense was just tucked up into my eyelid. Outside when we were saying our goodbyes it slid back into place. That would have driven me nuts navigating my way home with one eye out of focus. My friend Barb said, "Good! One less thing to worry about." In the words of my Grammy, "That's life". No kidding.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
"He is a poster child for birth control"
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Balloon Chasing

Friday, October 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Looking For Feedback Please.....
"I'm Sorry, My Dog Ate Your Registration Paperwork"
Sunday, October 7, 2007
From The Archive

He Means What He Says
Later that morning we were taking a ride with our dogs, Murdoch and Jack. Sam said, "Mommy, Murdoch is sick". I explained, "No honey, he isn't sick. Murdoch has been a part of Mommy's life for a very long time and his body is getting old. Sometimes he is tired". As I was being all philosophical I realized the van smelled like dog food. I thought it was odd so I turned around to see Murdoch eating a pile of vomit. Disgusting, I know. Lesson learned, the boy means what he says.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Part I, Part II, III and IV
Part II-Iron Dog was really amazing! Dave does a great job organizing this event. One thing making this year different was location. There were plenty of places to observe the course while taking in a nice fall day on Lake Champlain. Demonstrations from other emergency services were engaging and interesting. This event felt more like a destination; there were places to hang out on a gorgeous day while enjoying a dog friendly event.
Part III, that Sam Dewey! He is so confident. After the drama of this morning I was spent. I was exhausted while watching him take off into the crowd, waiting to see what he would do. He as out of sight and unphased, the bugger! I felt relatively safe with a strong law enforcement presence and knowing a bloodhound from Massachusetts was in the competition if we needed her.
Part IV- Tazor tied for first place in the 100 yard dash with another Malinois! That dog is fast.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Females Can Not Resist a Colorful, Glittery, Vinyl Corset!
Sam and Mae picked out Fairytale Barbie as a gift. She had colorful fairy wings and a gorgeous, vinyl, glittery corset. The birthday girl squealed with delight when she opened it. I think I would have squealed myself, especially if it were in my size.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
PSA: Green Mountain Iron Dog is Sunday, September 30, 2007
"Hi Guys! I'm Sam Dewey!"

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
We Now Own 21.84 Acres
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Knowing Doesn't Make It Any Easier
Sunday, September 16, 2007
FAT lip
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I Am Reminded of a Person With Dementia
This week out of desperation I needed supplies at the grocery store and had to bring both children. Sam is extremely confident and infinitely curious. None of his behavior was malicious, but when he chooses not to ride in the cart and freely explore his surroundings, I am constantly trying to keep him in check. Several people looked at me with pity, some with grins. A few told me, "You certainly have your hands full!". Yes I do. I lovingly accept and support the little bugger, and hope his energy and confidence serve him well later in life. For now, I am frequently counting to ten, controlling my breathing, and reminding myself of that wonderful woman caring for her husband with dementia.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
"Mommy, that reindeer is sleeping"
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Much to Report
Me: "Sam, it is time for bed"
Sam: Furrowed brow, same intonation and stance "Mommy, I am not sleepy!"
That child reminds me of how my mother used to shout at me, "I hope you have 10 kids, just like you!". I didn't realize the spell she was casting meant ten kids all rolled into one child. Dave has said a few times recently, "I think most people might choose to medicate him if he were their child." That may be true but we choose to tough it out, hoping his energy and confidence will serve him well later in life.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
We're Still Chewing
Saturday, August 11, 2007
"Hey, Where is My Banana?"
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Shit, Shit and More Shit.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Burton Island
We returned from our sixth annual camping trip to Burton Island with 98 pictures. It was difficult selecting photos for our blog, if I were to represent all in our group I'd be downloading photos all night. As always the trip is work; planning, packing, loading the ferry, caring for two children and now three dogs (Jack and Tazor's first trip-oy!). As always we had a wonderful time and look forward to our return next year. This year we invited two families to join us, we loved sharing this special experience with good friends.
Now for the good stuff. Each night presented new challenges, the first night being the worst! Sam woke up, "Daddy, it's dark outside!", Tazor started barking, Mae woke up screaming. Not wanting to wake up the island I left the tent briefly to get her a bottle of milk. This is when Jack ripped a hole in the tent trying to get to me. Jack is conflicted, he can't have me out of his sight but when he is off leash, he is quick to run and not look back. So this is the middle of the night, Mae screaming, Sam awake, Tazor barking and Jack on the loose. We managed to grab Jack, quiet Mae and Tazor but now we have a hole in our tent through which a trained police dog and a fast runner can escape through. We decide the best thing would be for Dave to sleep on Mae's mattress, guarding the newly made exit. Secretly I looked forward to daylight and seeing my husband covered with a little pink sleeping bag. Before settling in I saw him crouched on his knees with his head in his hands.
Me: "What are you doing?"
Me:"For what?"
Dave:"The next thing to happen."
Thankfully my husband and I share a similar sense of humor.
Friday, July 20, 2007
I Would Be Insane...
On our way home as I composed this blog in my head, I asked my son, "Did you have fun at the grocery store?" "Yes mommy". What else could I do but laugh? We then stopped at the Orr farm for some fresh eggs. It's a self serve thing where you put money in a can and get your eggs from a refrigerator on their porch. The eggs are great and it's fun to open the side doors on the van so the kids can watch chickens wander around. Today one hen seemed curious about the van. She hopped right in Mae's side, hung out for a few minutes contentedly clucking, then went over to Sam's side. I eventually had to shoo her out, I think she would have come home with us if I'd let her.
It's funny how the most ordinary errands can become an adventure with your kids.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Following Footsteps?

Thursday, July 12, 2007
What Does This Look Like?
Monday, July 9, 2007
Late Night Reflections
There is something enjoyable about coming home late and alone when all is quiet. Tazor is asleep in his crate, belly up with his paws in the air. He is the baby of the house and so cute. I poured a glass of wine and wrote out some correspondence. The experience is different when uninterupted. I know I'll be very tired in the morning but this quiet is worth savouring.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Things You See When You Don't Have a Camera
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Don't Let These Angelic Faces Fool You
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I am grateful for the day I had. My son was his usual exuberant self and my daughter is cutting a molar. It made for a demanding day, but delightful nonetheless. I had the opportunity to offer support to a very good friend who has always been an incredible support to me. This is my first week transitioning to a new schedule that allows more time for studying. I also enjoyed driving around in our new-to-us van.
Overall good feelings on a day we celebrate the move from winter to summer.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Father's Day
Mae, Sam and Dave Dewey